Assignment 5 Supplemental: Graduate Credit

Steps for Assignment 5, DGMD E-20 Section 1 (26270)
  1. Style the content in all the pages ✓
  2. Use float to position the images ✓
  3. Use an overlay in any one of the pages ✓
  4. Use a consistent nav bar in all the pages ✓
  5. Use box model to create fixed layout for all the pages✓
  6. Graduate Credit:
    1. Use a gradient background for any page ✓
    2. Make a simple two-column layout in any of the pages✓
    3. Write a short paragraph or two of what you did - link explanation to home page ✓

For this assignment, I used an external style sheet css/style.css to style the content on all the pages. I used float:right; to position the ❮aside❯ element on index.html. I added an overlay element to index.html, and set its position to position: sticky;; I also set the footer's position to position: fixed;, so it always sits at the bottom of the window.

For the navigation I updated the ❮nav❯ element on the site using an unordered list ❮ul❯and styling to create the look and feel of tabs. I then added a li:hover; state and a class="selected" to the nav links.

The box-model was used throughout the site utilising margins, padding, and borders to lay out the elements on the pages.

I used a CSS gradient on both the future.html and information.html pages, using a different gradient style for each (but the same colors). Then I used float:left; to create the 2-column layouts on the future.html and information.html pages.

Finally, I summarized my changes here on this standalone HTML page assignment5.html, and linked it from the home page using target="_blank" so it would open in a new tab, and not interfere with site navigation.