Steps for Assignment 6, DGMD E-20 Section 1 (26270)
- Style the content in all the pages ✓
- Use CSS flexbox for consistent nav bar in all the pages to jump to different pages ✓
- Use CSS multi-column in one of the pages to hold content ✓
- Use media queries for two layouts – one for large monitors and one for mobile apps ✓
- Graduate Credit:
- Use a CSS grid in any of the pages to hold content ✓
For this assignment, I used an external style sheet css/style.css to style the content on all the pages, using a mobile-first approach to make the pages responsive. I used the column-count attribute to style the index page, and CSS grid to style all the other pages, and added @media queries so the columns and grids would adjust for the different viewports.
For the navigation I updated the ❮nav❯ to use flexbox, and used @media queries to adjust its layout and styles based on the width of the viewport.
Finally, I summarized my changes here on this standalone HTML page assignment6.html, and linked it from the home page using target="_blank" so it would open in a new tab, and not interfere with site navigation.